Use Import Export Manager to bring metadata about data files, data tables, business terms, reports, and models into Workbench. 使用ImportExportManager把关于数据文件、数据表、业务术语、报告和模型的元数据导入到Workbench中。
The Import was configured for the local queue manager and a local queue, as shown in Figure 2. 这个Import针对一个本地队列管理器和一个本地队列进行配置(如图2所示)。
Copy the updates to the management server and use the update manager Import updates task to import the updates. 把更新复制到管理服务器并使用UpdateManager的Importupdates任务导入更新。
This article shows you how to create, delete, export, and import a large amount of static relationship instance data during both application authoring time in WebSphere ® Integration Developer and runtime in the administrative console's relationship manager in WebSphere Process Server. 本文将向您说明在WebSphere®IntegrationDeveloper中应用程序编辑时,以及WebSphereProcessServer中管理控制台的关系管理器运行时,如何创建、删除、导出和导入大量的静态关系实际数据。
If the picture that you want to use does not exist there, you can import a file from the file system into the Encyclopedia file manager and use that file. 如果您想要看到的图片不存在,那么您可以从文件系统中将文件导入到Encyclopedia文件管理器,并使用该文件。
To customize it for all projects in our enterprise, we can create a new plug-in and process that contain the same patterns, and then export and import that new process into Portfolio Manager. 要为我们企业中的所有项目对过程进行定制,我们可以生成一个包含相同模式的新插件和过程,然后导出并导入该新的过程到PortfolioManager中。
This will search through the content store and counts all object that go against a particular package that you have chosen to import into the Lifecycle Manager project. 该功能将搜索内容存储,并计算您已选择导入LifecycleManager项目中的某个特定包中的所有对象。
The following will explain how different database vendor technologies behave, how metadata appears during import in Framework Manager, and finally how to configure your model so that processing is pushed to the database if desired. 下面将解释不同的数据库供应商技术是如何表现的,元数据在导入过程中如何出现,以及如何配置您的模型以便在必要时将处理工作推到数据库。
We added an import to the mediation flow and generated MQ bindings on it that connected the import to an existing WebSphere MQ queue under the control of a remote queue manager. 在此过程中,我们向中介流添加了一个导入,然后在该组件上生成MQ绑定,并利用这些绑定将该组件与受远程队列管理器控制的现有WebSphereMQ队列连接在一起。
In this case, the administrator can export John's access ID from the job manager and import it to the deployment manager. 在这种情况下,管理员可以从作业管理器导出John的访问ID,并将其导入部署管理器。
The Import Export Manager component consists of bridges ( MetaBroker is also a bridge) that help in importing and exporting metadata to and from the metadata repository. ImportExportManager组件由一些桥组成(MetaBroker也是桥),它们帮助导入和导出元数据存储库中的元数据。
Import your Real Football Manager team, update your player database online or edit it manually. 真正的足球经理:可在线更新你的球员和球队数据库。
You can import a certificate from a Key Manager backup file. 您可以从密钥管理器备份文件导入证书。
Welcome to Shanghai Import and Export Commodities Fair. My name is Chen Ming. I am the sales manager of Shanghai Machinery Company Inc. 欢迎光临上海进出口商品交易会。我叫陈明。我是上海机械公司的销售部经理。
Li Miaoling, general manager of China Metallurgical Import and Export Group, Guangdong company, says: Since the end of year, customs has been adjusting their price list every week. 中国冶金进出口(ChinaMetallurgicalImportandExportGroup)广东公司总经理李妙玲表示:自去年底以来,海关每周都会调整其价格表。
It is import to confirm the evacuation region and reduce the cost of evacuation to emergency manager after accident happened. 在事故发生后,如何快速确定疏散范围以及使应急疏散成本最低是重大事故发生后,应急指挥人员需要解决的一个重要问题。